Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Sucka Packaging Graphics

And the chosen colour was....

Teal was chosen because of its contrast with the cardboard. It is bold and made the text easily read. Here is the finished box and graphics. The graphics on the box were intended to be stickers that would be easily placed on the the box however the cardboard did not have an adhesive surface, the 'stickers' were printed on paper and stuck on with spray adhesive which ensured the stickers to stay put.

Katrina's brand 'byKatSum' is also the same colour as the graphics as she only wanted a colour palette of three to four colours which turned out to be - cardboard brown, black, teal and white. Katrina decided that an extra colour would have been too much and messy. 

Come and check out the bowls at Gaffa Gallery now!

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